Our mission

The mission of Minnesota Online High School is to engage, inspire, and educate the whole student for an options-rich future through a challenging, flexible, teacher-developed curriculum; with the encouragement of responsive faculty and staff; within a creative, equitable and supportive learning community.

Our vision

At Minnesota Online High School (MNOHS), all students define their unique identities and entry points into adult life; their reasons to persist and to stretch toward excellence; and their individual and collective purposes that make school, work and life meaningful.  MNOHS supports students to engage with learning not only online but everywhere adults will support their achievements.

Our guiding principles

  • Equity
  • Creativity
  • Relationships
  • Challenge
  • Flexibility
  • Joy in learning

Click to view our 2022-2027 strategic plan (PDF)

Nationally accredited online learning for grades 9-12

Minnesota Online High School

MNOHS is a public charter school for students in grades 9-12 (and younger students who are ready for high-school) who need a flexible schedule.  We offer full-time and part time enrollment.

2314 University Ave W Suite 10
Saint Paul, MN 55114-1863

Phone: 1-800-764-8166
Fax: 1-866-586-2870

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