At MNOHS, we meet you where you are and get you where you want to go! 

Some students start at Minnesota Online High School on the first day of 9th grade and graduate exactly four years later.  Some have taken a year or more off from high school because of life events or out-of-school commitments, and are trying to make up for that time.  Some have strong academic skills and generally do well in school.  Some have a special talent or favorite subject but find other subjects frustrating or boring.

Whatever your starting point, your MNOHS counselor will help you to design a graduation plan with just the right combination–for you!–of challenge, support, and community, and a post-secondary plan that is both achievable and exciting. 

Ask your MNOHS counselor about these exciting ways to earn credit toward a high school diploma:

  • Guided Study Project-Based Learning – Design your own learning experiences, with the help of a MNOHS teacher, and earn elective credit for doing what you love to do!
  • Work Experience – Earn elective credit for working or volunteering in your community!
  • Post-Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) – We encourage all students to consider this valuable state-funded opportunity which allows you to take college courses for free while still in high school. 
    • If you are on track to graduate, you can complete more than two years of college before graduating from MNOHS.
    • If you are graduating later than your high school cohort, you can use a second year of 12th grade for PSEO.
    • If you excel in one area–for example, the visual arts–you can take those courses through PSEO while working on standard high school courses for your other subjects.
  • Honors courses, diplomas and designations – A great set of opportunities if you are looking to go above and beyond in one or all subjects.
  • Summer courses – At MNOHS, you can take summer courses to accelerate your graduation plan, to recover credit, and/or to balance school and out-of-school commitments by spreading your course load across five quarters instead of four.
  • Preparation for an standard adult diploma – If you will turn 21 before earning a MNOHS diploma, we can work with you online to complete almost all the requirements of an adult diploma.

Remember, every student is different.  You might use one of the options above–or all of them–to design your very own pathway through high school.  For more on what MNOHS can offer you, don’t forget to see this page: Public high school that works for you!

Nationally accredited online learning for grades 9-12

Minnesota Online High School

MNOHS is a public charter school for students in grades 9-12 (and younger students who are ready for high-school) who need a flexible schedule.  We offer full-time and part time enrollment.

2314 University Ave W Suite 10
Saint Paul, MN 55114-1863

Phone: 1-800-764-8166
Fax: 1-866-586-2870

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