Yes! Behind each of our courses is a MN-licensed teacher who loves their subject and who loves teaching!
- Every course is developed by the person teaching it.
- The MNOHS academic program is highly interactive – teachers communicate with students and families by e-mail, texting, phone, and webinar, and through regular feedback on course work.
- Students have opportunities to revise and resubmit their work in response to teacher feedback.
- Teachers respond to students and families on or before the next business day.
- Frequently, teachers create short instructional videos or meet with students one-on-one in a webinar to support student learning.
- Some courses have regular class meetings conducted in webinar. With very few exceptions, there is a make-up option for students who can’t attend.
- Teachers hold open office hours for at least three hours each week.
- Students can drop in to the Academic Success Center (ASC) for academic help, or to connect with other students. The ASC is a webinar room staffed by a MNOHS teacher and open on a regular schedule.
- Counselors also provide academic assistance and help students connect with resources.