Essential Financial Skills
Essential Financial Skills teaches real-life application of financial concepts. Throughout this 8-week course, students learn the skills required to make financial decisions for the rest of their lives. This course uses interactive learning modules, video lessons, class discussion and self-reflection to assist students in becoming more financially empowered. The class is taught by a special education teacher.
Topics Include:
- Responsible Money Choices
- Income and Careers
- Planning and Money Management
- Credit and Borrowing
- Insurance and Safety
- Consumer Protection
- Investing
- Banking Basics
Throughout the course, students will actively participate in their own learning and will also benefit from personal feedback to help them continue to improve their financial literacy skills.
Course materials: Everfi FutureSmart program
Standards met: This course does not meet high school standards. It may be counted as an elective.
Credit: 0.25
Honors Opportunity: No
Prerequisites: None