Quantum Computing is a year-long course, in collaboration with IBM Quantum and The Coding School. In Semester 1, students learn the foundational math and programming concepts necessary for quantum computing. Once these are taught, Semester 2 will focus on quantum mechanics, quantum information and computation, and quantum algorithms. Students will use Qiskit and IBM Quantum Experience to run quantum simulations on real quantum hardware.
By the end of the course, students will have foundational knowledge in quantum computing at the college-level. Through this course, students will have the opportunity to attend panel discussions by leading quantum researchers, engage with future quantum leaders (like yourself!), and run simulations on real quantum computers. Students must register for either a full semester (2 quarters) or the full year-long course.
Course materials: Online readings, weekly lectures, and virtual activities will be available week-by-week within the course.
Lecture time:
11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. CST
Lecture viewing is required, but students can watch the recording afterward if they’re not able to attend live.
Standards met: This is an elective course. It is recommended for students who have met all the Minnesota Academic Standards in Math and who are interested in a more topical approach to math.
Credit: 1.0 (year-long course, 0.25 credit per quarter)
Honors Opportunity: Yes. Students who complete the standard course work with a grade of B- or higher, and participate in the class blog, will automatically receive the honors designation with their grade.
Prerequisites: Algebra 2 A and B, or the equivalent–or Geometry A and B and permission of your school counselor.