Topics covered in Geometry A include reasoning and proof, parallel and perpendicular lines, triangle relationships, and quadrilaterals. In Geometry B, topics include area, volume, circles, and right triangle trigonometry. Course materials include video examples, interactive applets for inquiry-based learning, and real-world application problems. Students also explore geometric relationships using Desmos and GeoGebra online tools. Course activities include regular online class meetings and office hours, teacher-created videos demonstrating problem solutions, practice assignments, quizzes, test, and projects.
Course materials: CK-12 online Geometry textbook adapted for our course, scientific or graphing calculator, Office 365, online geometry drawing tools and websites like Desmos and GeoGebra
Standards met: These courses meet all standards and benchmarks in the Geometry & Measurement strand of the Minnesota 2007 Math Standards for Grades 9-11.
Credit: 1.0 (Semester A = 0.5 credit, Semester B = 0.5 credit.)
Honors Opportunity: Yes
Prerequisites: Algebra I A and B, or the equivalent, for Geometry A. Geometry A, or the equivalent, for Geometry B.