For centuries, people have sought to explain the world around them, and this quest has led to a rich variety of legends and myths. In Myths and Legends, students will explore myths, legends and folklore from diverse world cultures. Reading and comprehension strategies are emphasized each week, and students will review writing skills and formal essay formats as well. The vocabulary units in both semesters center around Greek and Latin prefixes, bases, and suffixes, which will give students skills to decode and define new words they encounter.
Semester A will focus on myths from various cultures that work to explain creation; nature and the elements; and life cycles. Students will write and present a research essay on an ancient culture to review research skills and the MLA format. Semester B will focus on the heroic cycle, and students will read a version of The Odyssey and John Steinbeck’s novella The Pearl. Students will also read and discuss local folk heroes from Minnesota. As a final project, students will choose a modern novel or film to analyze based on the heroic cycle.
Course materials: All required works are available online or provided within the course.
Standards met: All strands of the 9/10 grade band of the Minnesota Language Arts standards are addressed.
Credit: 1.0 (Semester A = 0.5 credit, Semester B = 0.5 credit.)
Honors Opportunity: Yes
Prerequisites: None