Yes! Auditing allows you to check out your interest in a subject–or to keep up your skills without being obligated to do all the required course assignments.
Any supplemental (part-time) student who has completed at least one credit at MNOHS is eligible to audit a course. Comprehensive (MNOHS-only) students are eligible if you completed all of your MNOHS courses in the previous quarter with passing grades.
How does it work?
- The enrollment deadline and Add Date for auditing a course are the same as for taking a course.
- When you audit a course, it will appear on your MNOHS transcript with ‘AU’ rather than a grade.
- Although you are not being graded, you may submit work for teacher feedback, and you may sit in on class meetings.
- You will have access to the course through the last day of the quarter.
- If you are interested in auditing a course, please contact your MNOHS counselor.
What does it cost?
- The cost is $210/semester for supplemental students. This is a 60% reduction of our normal tuition fees.
- There is no cost for comprehensive (MNOHS-only) students.
What if I change my mind? To avoid a notation of ‘AU’ on your transcript, please notify your MNOHS counselor by the quarterly Drop Date. If you have paid to audit, $150 will be returned to you.