Elissa Raffa, Executive Director

We have time for you!

Since Covid-19 arrived and many schools were forced to pivot unexpectedly to emergency distance learning, much has been written about the impact on students.  Clearly emergency distance learning is not the same as online learning, online learning isn’t the right choice for all students, and MNOHS is unlike most other online learning options. Let’s unpack […] Read more


Real learning

Janet, the mother of a MNOHS summer student told me this story: Her son, Rob, like many varsity athletes wanted to knock off the required health course in the summer. Their family chose the MNOHS Health Issues and Choices course, while most of his teammates and friends chose their district’s online option. One evening, some […] Read more


Nationally accredited online learning for grades 9-12

Minnesota Online High School

MNOHS is a public charter school for students in grades 9-12 (and younger students who are ready for high-school) who need a flexible schedule.  We offer full-time and part time enrollment.

2314 University Ave W Suite 10
Saint Paul, MN 55114-1863

Phone: 1-800-764-8166
Fax: 1-866-586-2870

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